

How to Make a Card Base

These are the simple steps for a regular A2-sized card (final measurements:  4 1/4 x 5 1/2’’) using an A4-sized paper (8.5x11’’). 
この簡単なステップはA4-サイズペーパーを使ってA2-サイズカードを作る事が出来ます(完成カードは4 1/4 x 5 1/2)

You need:  a piece of 8.5 x 11’’ medium-heavyweight sheet of paper, a paper trimmer, a scoreboard, and a bone folder.  *Any paper thicker than regular paper is fine.  

Steps:  Cut paper in half, fold in half, and score with bone folder… Voila!

But here are step-by-step instructions with pictures or check out my video at

1.     Take an 8.5 x 11’’ sheet of paper.  Slide it lengthways under the paper trimmer arm.

2.     Once you’ve measured 5 1/2 inches on the left side, cut the paper.  (Essentially you are cutting the paper in half.) 左側に5.5インチ測ったら、紙を半分に切ります。

3.    Next place the cut piece of paper on your scoreboard.  I use a Martha Stewart scoreboard and love it.  切った一枚をスコアボードに載せます。

Using your bone folder, hold your paper firmly down while scoring your paper at 4 1/4 inches. Score means to make a line for easy-folding later.  You want to do it gently so as to not tear your paper.  Go slowly so your bone folder doesn’t jump out of the groove.  

4.    Next, fold your paper in half so the edges meet. Use your bone folder to crease the paper and make a crisp fold.  Try to hold the card open edges together while creasing the paper. 二つ折りにして端を合わせます。

There you have a finished card.  カードベースが出来ました。

Note:  If you card isn’t perfectly lined up you can trim the edges to make it straight.  完全に側面があってないなら、トリマーでまっすぐ切って下さい   

Try to make cards other ways using different sizes.  Have fun and remember the sky’s the limit!
The sky‘s the limitだと「無制限」の意味です。


Masculine Compartment Box

I wanted to make a guy’s gift for my boyfriend - something with more masculine colours and elements, and something that had an old, antique feel to it.  This is what I came up with.

I call this a compartment box because it’s too deep to be a printer’s tray and it has all these compartments.  This box was sent in a RAK from a good friend, Alli (papercraftdoll).  I liked how the box is not all evenly divided squares.  It has a couple bigger sections, but it still has a balanced look.  I wanted to put in at least 3 pictures (because 3 is the golden rule, after all). 

The entire box was covered with Lindy’s Stamp Gang Stains in Dark Chocolate Truffle and Crème Brulee – my two favourite stains. I used the paper collection Handsome by My Mind’s Eye.  It was perfect with the blue, brown and cream.  It also had green, but I chose to stick to three colours.     
全体が私の大好きなDark Chocolate TruffleCrème BruleeLindys Stamp Gang Starburst Stainsをつけました。 全部の紙はMy Minds EyeHandsomeペーパーパッドを使いました。ブルー、ブラウン、とクリームの色は素敵です。グリーンの色紙もあったけど、3つの色が十分だと決めました。

The first section holds a picture from when we went to karaoke one night when my mom was visiting.  My boyfriend said he liked this pic of us.  I do too.  J  There was something missing, so I cut out a piece from the paper collection and used it as a photo corner.  I added a K&Co. Grand Adhesions key here.  These keys are great because they are completely flat on one side making them super easy to adhere project, while adding dimension to your project.  All of the flowers used came from Wild Orchids, IamRoses, or Recollections.  
最初はカラオケに行った時の写真です。フォトの角ははさみで切ったかみでポップアップをしました。 K&Co.Grand Adhesionsの鍵を付けました。この鍵は半分しかないので、後ろは完全にフラットです。付ける時は楽だし、立体的に見えるから便利です。全部の花はWild OrchidIamRosesRecollectionsから使いました。

The hot air balloon (swoon) and frame was fussy cut and popped up to give it that 3D look. 

The clock is from Tim Holtz.  He makes awesome metal pieces.  I cut apart a flower center from Prima to put in corners of this section. 
金属の時計はティム・ホルツの製品です。さまざまなメタルピースが売っています。 Primaのフラワーセンターを切って4つの角に貼りました。

I cut I center piece out by hand from the paper and used a dollar alphabet stamp for the title. 

We went to Toki no Sumika to see the Christmas lights when my parents came a few years ago.  They had this really old hollowed out tree that was beautiful and inspired this sepia pic.  I stamped the postage stamp from the Lost and Found Boy in the back and added a furniture stud brad (Making Memories) and a Prima flower center. 
数年前、両親がクリスマスのため訪ねに来た時、時之栖(ときのすみか)のイルミネーションを見に連れて行きました。素敵な古い木がおいてあて、このセピア色の写真にしました。ポストスタンプはLost and Found, ブラッズはMaking Memories, フラワーセンターはPrimaの製品です。

I used my alphabet brads to spell out ‘Y-O-U’.  This went perfectly with the saying paired with the mini frame by Melissa Frances.   I picked them up last year when I was at Whim-so-doodle in St. Petersburg, Florida with my scrapbooking friends.
紙から切ってフレームに付けた言葉と文字のブラッズ組み合わせて、’You Are So Special’のメッセージを飾りました。 ミニフレーム(Melissa Frances)はフロリダ州にあるWhim-so-Doodleの店で買って来ました。

The last section contains another pic of us and a train (which I sadly had to cover a bit).  What guy wouldn’t like a train?  The pearl leaves were alcohol inked using my Copic markers (E49, Dark Bark). 

The space on the back should not be forgotten.  I matted a few pieces of paper and used the corner chomper to add detail.  Now there is room for me to write a sentimental note to my fav guy.
後ろは無駄ならないように、彼のための感動的なメセッジを書く場所を作りました。Corner Chomperを使って、マットの角をデコカット出来ます。

Check out my YouTube vid: 

Happy Creating!


Stamps, Inks & Embossing

When I first started scrapbooking, I was all about paper…until I learned all about stamping.  Let me just say first that I know how confusing it can be in the beginning.  Hopefully this will help explain a few things.  (^_^)v

There are different types of stamps, a ton of inks, and many stamping techniques.  Just remember – all you really need is a stamp you love, a pad of ink, and a base to stamp on.  You’ll enjoy it every time!

First, we’ll talk about stamps.  There are rubber stamps and clear stamps (polymer or acrylic based).  Rubber stamps can give a great image, but give you less visibility in seeing what you are stamping.  Clear stamps allow you to see exactly where are stamping. 

Wood-mounted rubber stamps come with and without foam.  If they have the foam it will allow you to stamp nice because of the cushion.  Otherwise you may need something under you base (a stamping pad, if you have it).  If it’s on a block you will have to guess where you are stamping. 

Cling-mounted rubber stamps come with a foam layer between the rubber and a cling surface that will attach to a clear stamping block.  You still can’t see exactly where you are stamping, but because the image outline is cut out, you have a more accurate idea where the stamp is going. 

Clear stamps (made from polymer or commonly known as acrylic) are great because you can see exactly where you are stamping.  They are relatively easy to clean depending on the ink. 

Stamping blocks come in all different shapes and sizes.  Pick the one that is closest in size to your stamp for efficiency when stamping. 

With all stamps, you may stain them with the ink.  If you clean the stamps soon after you use them, it’s less likely to happen.  I use non-alcohol baby wipes, just to be safe.  But some inks like Staz-on should be removed with a stamp cleaner (Staz On has a remover of their own). 

Steps for Stamping: スタンプのやり方:

1.  Choose your stamp.  If it is a clear stamp, attach it to an acrylic block. 

2.  Ink the stamp by pressing it firmly on the pad.  Ensure the entire stamp surface is covered.  (For bigger stamps, lay the stamp down faced up and touch your pad to the stamp.) 強くインクパッドに押して。インクがしっかりついているかチェックしてください。

3.If you are using the stamp for the first time or an ink for the first time (or just to be safe) do a test-run to check.  If your stamp has good ink coverage, you’re ready.  If not, re-ink and test until ready. 新しいスタンプやインクは念のため、使用する前にテストしてください。

4.  Press gently, but firmly on the area you are stamping.  Rub over the entire back of the stamp without moving it.  Very carefully lift the stamp directly up to avoid any smudging. (If necessary, retouch if you are using a clear stamp.)    ゆっくり強くスタンプを押します。動かさずにまっすぐ上にあげます。(クリアスタンプの場合はもう一度やり直しできます。)

*Remember, different stamps and inks provide a new look – so have fun experimenting.  いろんな色のインクを使って試してみて下さい。 

Inks インク
Here are some commonly used inks: これはよく使用されるインクです。

Tim Holtz Distress Ink is good for aging your projects and giving them a worn look.  They are water-based and can be spritzed with water to get them to blend, spread and just give a different look. 
Memento Ink is a fade-resistant ink.  It should be used when colouring images with markers etc. because it will not bleed. メメントインクは耐光性・耐水性の水性インクです。早く乾かしたい時やコピックマーカーを使うときはメメントインクをお勧めします。 
Staz-On ink is a fast-drying, all-surface ink.  It takes well to rubber stamps, but will not work well with some acrylic stamps.  It is a solvent ink, which makes the stamp harder to clean.  You need to use a stamp cleaner.  It also comes in Opaque which stamps a solid colour, like cotton white.
Brilliance ink is pigment-based and gives a vivid image when stamped.  Because it is pigment-based, it will easily smudge so take extra care.
VersaMark is a watermark stamp pad.  When stamped with Versamark, the image will be translucent and is great for background designs.  It can also be used as an embossing ink or as a primer to new stamps before stamping in another ink, ensure even coverage.
バーサマークは無色透明なインクです。スタンプした部分の紙の色が濃くなりダブルトーンになります。 エンボスのテクニックも使えます。乾燥時間はちょっとかかります。
VersaMagic is also pigment-based, but is a chalk ink.  It requires a little drying time so be careful not to smudge. 
Embossing Ink, when stamped, leaves a clear image.  Then pour embossing powder on top of the image and shake off the excess powder (put back in the bottle for next time).  The powder should now be heated with a heat tool to cook it or melt it to get a professional look.  Embossing provides a nice texture to any project.
The Essential Glue Pad is not an ink, but an adhesive for glitter or flock.  Simply stamp on the pad and then onto the paper.  Add glitter or flock.  Leave until dry and remove the excess (putting back into the bottle).

Tips: インクのコツ: 
l  Store ink upside-down so the ink is at the top of the pad and ready for stamping.  Your ink will go a lot farther. インクをさかさまにしておいておくと、長く使えるように出来ます。
l  Use make-up sponge and a butterfly clip for inking and distressing.  It’s cheap and easy to use. クリップをメイクのスポンジに付けて使うと、ディストレスする時に安あがりで使いやすくなります
Always do a test before stamping or inking on a project – it’ll save you from making a mistake you’ll regret.  作品に使う前に常にテストして、失敗や後悔を避けましょう。

Steps for Embossing with a Heat Tool: 

1.Stamp on a watermark or embossing pad.  Ensure good coverage. エンボスパッドでスタンプをきちんと押して。

2.Stamp gently onto your area to be embossed.  Be careful not to move the stamp, as it might be slippery with embossing ink. エンボスインクを付けたら、滑りやすいのでゆっくりスタンプしてください。

3.    Pour embossing powder over the area to be embossed.  More is better!  You can put the extra back into the container later. エンボスポウダーを前面に振りかけて。いっぱいかけたら、後でまた戻せます。

4.    Pour off the excess powder.  Tap the back to remove any remaining powder.  (You can also use a small paintbrush to take off an excess.) 裏面に指でタップして。余ったパウダーを落とします。(絵の具のブラシを使ってもかまいません。)

5.    Using an embossing tool, heat the image.  You can see the powder start to melt and change texture (it might take a minute for the heat tool to warm up first).  Don’t heat in the same place too long or it will burn. ヒートガンをかけます。パウダーは溶けるので同じ場所に長く当てると、焦げるので気をつけましょう。

Here’s the finished embossed image:




If you’re not a scrapbooker or are a newbie to the craft, a question you will ask is what is die-cutting.  I had no idea until I saw a YouTube video showing me exactly what it was, how to do it, and the tools necessary.  I’ll make it simple for you…

Here is my die-cutting machine.  I use a Big Shot, which is a product made by Sizzix. 私の型抜きの機械はシジックスのスビッグショットです

My friend, also named Cheri (different spelling than me), uses a Cuttlebug.  My mom uses a Tim Holtz Vagabond, also a Sizzix product.  But they all do the same thing – cut paper using dies.

What are dies?  Dies are like cookie cutters for scrapbooking.  They are made of steel and have an edge that can cut paper, material, or chipboard, depending on the quality of the die. 

Sizzix makes thick dies that will cut a lot of things.  They also create Tim Holtz dies, which are thick and thin (rosette die, for example). Thin steel-made dies are very popular because they take up less space than bulky dies and are friendly on your wallet.  Spellbinders make very convenient Nestabilities dies – one shape in many sizes that fit or ‘nest’ inside each other. My Favourite Things and PTI makes many cool dies that come in a variety of shapes.  

The important thing about cutting in any machine is the sandwich technique.  You need layers to make the thickness full enough so the die can bite into your paper or material you are cutting. 

Going into the Machine

Coming out of the machine

The die-cut piece

Examples with Big Shot: 
              For thicker dies, like Sizzix – 厚いダイ(例えシジックス)
Acrylic Plate
Sizzix Die
Paper, Etc.
Acrylic Plate

For thin dies like Spellbinders, MFT, PTI – 
Acrylic Plate
Acrylic Plate
Multi-Purpose Platform